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Selection API ​

Selection is a very common concept in structure editors. It's used for representing the current cursor position or the current selected blocks.

In BlockSuite, we use a data driven approach to represent the selection. It also follows the unidirectional data flow, which means the selection state is always derived from serializable data.

Selection Model ​

The selection model contains a list of selections. Each selection is a range of the content. For example, if you have a text block with the following content:



In BlockSuite, it will be represented as following:

|-- Root Block (id: 0)
    |-- Note Block (id: 1)
        |-- Text Block (id: 2)
        |-- Text Block (id: 3)

And if you select the text partially via mouse drag as following:

text selection example

The selection model will be:

    type: 'text',
    group: 'note',
    from: {
      path: [0, 1, 2],
      index: 1,
      length: 5,
    to: {
      path: [0, 1, 3],
      index: 0,
      length: 4,

If you select the blocks via block selection like this:

block selection example

The selection model will be:

    type: 'block',
    group: 'note',
    path: [0, 1, 2],
    type: 'block',
    group: 'note',
    path: [0, 1, 3],

Type and Group ​

Selection model has two important properties: type and group.

The type of a selection means which kind of selection it is. And the group of a selection means the selection's scope.

Some types of selections can share the same group because they have the same scope. For example, the text selection and the block selection can share the note group because they are both in the note block. And you may also have a cell and row selection in a table block, and they can share the table group.

Read and Write Selection ​

You can get the selection manager from std.selection. With the manager, you can read the selection model from value. And you can also write the selection model by set and update.

const { selection } = std;

const current = selection.value;
const next = yourLogic(current);

// This can also be written as:
selection.update(current => yourLogic(current));

The set method will override all current selections.

You can create a new selection by using getInstance method.

const { selection } = std;

const blockSelection = selection.getInstance('block', { path: [0, 1, 2] });

What if you want to pick some selections by type from the current selection model? We provide pick and find methods to help you.

const { selection } = std;

const textSelection: Selection = selection.pick('text');
const blockSelections: Selection[] = selection.find('block');

You can clear all the selections by call clear. If you just want to clear a type of selections, you can pass the type as the first argument of clear method.

const { selection } = std;

// clear all selections

// clear text selection

And we also provide a setGroup method to override the selections in a specific group. Of course, we also provide a getGroup method.

const { selection } = std;

const noteSelections = selection.getGroup('note');
const nextNoteSelections = yourLogic(noteSelections);
selection.setGroup('note', nextNoteSelections);

Subscribe to Selection Changes ​

You can subscribe to the selection changes by using changed slot.

const { selection } = std;

selection.slots.changed.on(nextSelection => {

You can also subscribe to the remote selection changes by using remoteChanged slot. This is useful when you want to display the selection of other users.

const { selection } = std;

selection.slots.remoteChanged.on(nextSelectionMap => {
  for (const [userId, nextSelection] of nextSelectionMap) {
    renderRemoteSelectionToUI(nextSelection, userId);

Create Custom Selection ​

You can create your own selection type by extending the BaseSelection interface.

import { BaseSelection, PathFinder } from '@blocksuite/block-std';
import z from 'zod';

const MySelectionSchema = z.object({
  path: z.array(z.string()),

export class MySelection extends BaseSelection {
  static override type = 'mySelection';
  static override group = 'note';

  override equals(other: BaseSelection): boolean {
    if (other instanceof MySelection) {
      return PathFinder.equals(this.path, other.path);
    return false;

  override toJSON(): Record<string, unknown> {
    return {
      type: this.type,
      path: this.path,

  static override fromJSON(json: Record<string, unknown>): ImageSelection {
    return new MySelection({
      path: json.path as string[],

declare global {
  namespace BlockSuite {
    interface Selection {
      mySelection: typeof MySelection;

After that, you need to register the selection to selection manager:

const { selection } = std;


Now you can use the MySelection in the selection model.

const mySelection = std.selection.getInstance('mySelection', {
  path: [0, 1, 2],